We are that band you never heard of!
  • Coporate Package Member
  • Rawtrex Band at Rawtrex Studio
  • Lives in Homestead, Florida
  • From Miami, Florida
  • Male
  • 14/10/1982
  • Followed by 2 people
  • Activity Status
    Creating great soundtracks!
  • Lifestyle
  • Personality
  • Personage
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  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
  • Astrology Zodiac Sign
  • Interest
    Everything that has to do with music.
  • Talent Level
  • Talent Tools
    Recording studio.
  • Talent Speciality
  • Music Band Name
  • Music Band Genre
  • Nicknames / Stage Names
    Climax, Slade, Playmate, Saleea Saleen, Vanillaspice, Vixenity, Virus, Kranical, CD-Rock, Candypop, Dark Ace and Saleeo Saleen.
Social Links
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  • The Warrior's Song [Saleeo]
    File contains the following audio collection:
    1 - The Warrior's Song [Saleeo] Soundtrack
    Sample Track: https://jixem.com/posts/6647
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  • Apparently, Saleeo is heavy into Anime and so because of this he has come forth to create yet another great tribute. This time around his tribute is towards the world of Gundam with - The Warrior's Song!

    Buy Track: https://jixem.com/buy/6713
    Buy Album: Coming soon!
    Buy Mixes: Coming soon!

    Full Track On SoundCloud
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  • Let Them Talk [Vixenity]
    File contains the following audio collection:
    1 - Let Them Talk [Vixenity] Soundtrack
    Sample Track: https://jixem.com/posts/6647
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  • There are always chatters out there, and secret rumors. Not to mention those who love to talk behind your back... Well here we have Vixenity letting everyone know first hand that she does not mind the gossip, and she proves it in her soundtrack - Let Them Talk!

    Buy Track: https://jixem.com/posts/6655
    Buy Album: Coming soon!
    Buy Mixes: Coming soon!

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  • Streets Of Rage [Slade]
    File contains the following audio collection:
    1 - Streets Of Rage [ Slade ] Soundtrack
    Sample Track: https://jixem.com/posts/6643
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  • Slade loves video games and there is one in particular that she always enjoyed, that being the great classic of Streets Of Rage. So when Slade heard that CD-Rock was working on a tribute song, she couldn't wait to hear it and when she did... She couldn't help to make a cover song of it, so here you have her version of - Streets Of Rage!

    Buy Track: https://jixem.com/posts/6645
    Buy Album: Coming soon!
    Buy Mixes: Coming soon!

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  • I'm Doing Great [Dark Ace]
    File contains the following audio collection:
    1 - I'm Doing Great [Dark Ace] Soundtrack
    Sample Track: https://jixem.com/posts/6641
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  • Dark Ace isn't an easy person to please, but one thing that really pleased him was Climax and his track on how great he was doing one day. Dark Ace enjoyed the track so much that he decided to create his own cover version of that song himself, so here you have his version of - I'm Doing Great!

    Buy Track: https://jixem.com/posts/6642
    Buy Album: Coming soon!
    Buy Mixes: Coming soon!

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  • Convict [Slade]
    File contains the following audio collection:
    1 - Convict [ Slade ] Soundtrack
    Sample Track: https://jixem.com/posts/6639
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  • Criminals aren't the only ones who end up behind a cell of bars, there are times that if we are not careful... Our mind can become our own prison. To make it even more clear, here we have the talented Slade with her hit single - Convict!

    Buy Track: https://jixem.com/posts/6640
    Buy Album: Coming soon!
    Buy Mixes: Coming soon!

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