Morning has come and he is already up to go...
As he walks down the stairs behind him dreams follow.
Thinking about the coming traffic in the city...
His dreams trail him close behind clinching.
Another human just born on Earth...
A simple unnoticed man since birth.
Everyone has so many dreams...
But all he ever wants is to sing.
Highly poetic young man, he wrote a song...
Quickly after he thought; "Fame won't be long".
Always telling himself one day he will take action...
The Chicago Band along with others are his passion.
And he dreams of the stage...
While tires at work he would change...
One day, one day... The set will be in range.
His artistic name is Me...
Just two letters simply.
He wears a jacket of the eighties and people laugh...
But it's no bother, it only strengthens the dream he has.
His hair is long up to his shoulders and that's not in style...
When someone mentions it all he does is give a bright smile.
He is still strong on what the future can bring...
All he ever wants to do before dying is sing.
Oh yeah, my friend yes!
Me! ..
His artistic name is Me! ..
Just two letters simply! ..
An 'M' and an 'E'!
This men dreams of center stage...
While the oil on cars he would change...
Sometimes the hardest thing in life is fate.
One day he woke up in the middle of the night in shame...
As he looked at the mirror he noticed he wasn't the same...
The years are passing real fast and he is only to blame.
No one is ever eternal my dear little friend...
In life one has only a single choice in each hand...
Live your dream for either way we always die in the end.
Oh yeah, yes, of course! ..
Me! ..
His artistic name is Me! ..
Fans will be asking who is he? ..
Me! ..
That's it, two letters simply! ..
An 'M' and an 'E'! ..
Me! ..
That is what everyone would scream! ..
ME! ! !
The Name Is Me
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