There I was in the same neighborhood...
Under a street light was where I stood.
I saw him going along with the walk of a pure gangster...
With his hands in his jacket's pocket like a small time banger.
But the reason for the jacket is for what he hides...
It's simply a cover-up so no one notices the knife inside.
While with him he has on a cap placed sideways...
A pair of shoes for if any problems he can quickly run away.
Along with dark glasses so no one knows he's looking...
And a golden tooth that shines when something good is cooking.
Well, three blocks down the road from that corner a girl...
Walks up and down the street and around the world.
As she moves along the street for the eighth time...
Trying to find a new client for her so called "part-time".
She has on gloves and enters a bar to forget...
How hard life is and for the better it hasn't turned out yet.
A car passes close down the street of the gangster...
It has no marks but everyone knows it's a cop undercover.
While the gangster keeps himself cool and very fine...
Watching the car with a smile as his golden tooth again shines.
Then as he walks on he passes his eyes view...
Up, down and all around the whole avenue.
At the moment there was no one around...
Not even a soul on the street could be found.
With still no one at all around he keeps up his slow pace...
Then out of no where the prostitute comes out of a place.
The gangster grabs firmly the knife in his pocket...
Then silently crosses the street like a rocket.
Quickly looks left and then to the right...
With still no one at all but her in sight.
Meantime the prostitute on the other side moves on...
Counting the money she made hoping enough for the rent was won.
While still moving her counting is finally done...
As from her left overcoat pocket she then brings out a gun.
She was planing on placing it in her purse so it doesn't bother...
So she went ahead and did it at that moment before moving father.
It was a 9mm desert eagle of the special class...
Which she carries for any trouble she can surpass.
All of a sudden with the knife on hand the gangster jumps her!..
His golden tooth throughout the whole avenue shining brighter!
As the sin was being done he would give out an evil laughter...
Along with each moment striking the prostitute even harder.
Out of no where as he kept on sending the prostitute to her doom...
A sound like a cannon can be heard from a huge boom!
Then the gangster fell hard to the very floor...
Looks at the prostitute bleeding more then before.
With her there dying he sees her holding something illegal...
Finally realizing he was taken down by a desert eagle.
Then calmly and slowly laughing the prostitute spoke...
"You took me down with metal but I took you out with smoke!"
He replied; "Ha, life is just so much full of crap...
At every corner you find a new type of trap."
Now my friends you see by the story I have told...
One never knows where death will unfold.
Even with the loud sounds no one came out...
There were no questions, curiosity, no one heard the shouts.
Just a drunk that at the last moment was passing by...
He took the money, gun and knife from the girl and the guy.
And as he walked on tripping on his own two feet...
He kept singing a song which over and over he would repeat.
He sang leaving the two dead bodies there in their demise...
"Life brings you many surprises, many surprises, what a surprise!"
So remember my dear friends and live life to the best...
You know that this poet your safety is his only request.